

Master Sha February Events

Jan 30, 2024

Welcome to a month of profound healing, spiritual awakening, and transformative energy! February is not just the month of love; it's also the month of self-discovery and empowerment. Master Sha, a renowned spiritual teacher and healer, invites you to join a series of events that promise to elevate your mind, body, and soul. In this blog, we'll explore the exciting lineup of Master Sha's February events and discover the transformative experiences that await.

Event 1: Tao Sacred Ancient Movement 8 Transformative Steps of the Powerful Diamond Practice

Tao Sacred Ancient Movement: Boost Energy, Stamina, Vitality and Immunity - Course 1

Led by Henderson Ong & Francisco Quintero, Leading Teachers of Dr. & Master Sha Course 1
Your body has innate natural healing abilities.

Your body has innate natural healing abilities.

Tao Movement is an ancient flow of movement which can activate your whole being to powerfully transform and align with higher-levels of wellbeing.

Go deeper into understanding the wisdom of the Diamond Practice with Francisco Quintero and master these movements with incredible ease guided by Henderson Ong

As the leading teacher for Tao Movement, only Henderson is authorized to teach these sacred movements to you. Seize this rare opportunity! 


Awaken the healing power hidden within your body, through ancient Tao movement…

Tao Movement is more than physical exercise - it is your key to unlocking universal healing powers within you, to attune your soul, heart, mind and body with the most positive high-frequency of Tao Source.

With every sacred step

  • Deepen the connection between yourself and Tao source
  • Open up to the most positive information, frequency, and vibration of the whole universe
  • Clear the blockages in your energetic pathways, blood-circulation and lymphatic system
  • Balance your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects
  • Nourish your organs, systems, and enliven your body


Wednesdays, January 31, February 7, 14, and 21 @ 12:30 p.m. ET

REGISTER NOW  https://tidd.ly/3SgVNbl


Event 2:Enlightened Healing with Her Holiness Sai Maa & Tao Grandmaster Dr. & Master Sha

Enlightened Healing with Her Holiness Sai Maa & Master Sha, February 4, 2024

A  3-hour online workshop packed with rare wisdom teachings, cutting-edge spiritual  technologies, and sacred techniques that will awaken the unprecedented power of  transformation within you.

INTRODUCING Her Holiness Jagadguru Sai Maa a Living Saint | Master Of Energy | Spiritual Luminary

Her Holiness Sai Maa is a Master of energy and spiritual luminary, and has led programs for tens-of-thousands of students worldwide.

For the past 20 years, Maa has developed powerful spiritual practices, tools and transformative in-person programs Sai Maa is the first female to be awarded the prestigious title Jagadguru in India’s 2,700 years of the Vishnuswami lineage.

Jagadgurus are recognized as embodying the power and influence to transform the entire planet. Embodying a fierce yet tender love for all of humankind, Sai Maa is known for her elegance and grace, however it's her refreshing candor and piercing vision that often inspires profound personal transformation.


Healing can be simpler than you may think.

Grant yourself the possibility of discovering a rare and uplifting pathway to transformation.


Join Her Holiness Sai Maa and Tao Grandmaster Dr. & Master Sha on Sunday, February 4, from 10 am to 1 pm ET for a one-of-a-kind experience of healing, and a higher consciousness of an enlightened existence.  


Begin to understand your challenges from the higher perspective of your soul journey, and unveil the wisdom and practices that can help you to create lasting change in your physical life.

Register now: https://tidd.ly/47Z7c5j


Event 3: True Love: Finding a Beautiful and Loving Life Partner, February 10, 2024

True Love: Finding a Beautiful and Loving Life Partner, February 10, 2024

with David Lusch and Laure Le Corroller

Workshop: Saturday, February 10th @ 2-6pm ET
Weekly Classes: Fridays, February 16 & 23 and March 1 & 8 @ 5-6:30pm ET


True Love.

So many people dream of it. So many people want and desire it. So many people listen to songs and music about it. So many people watch movies about it. So many people read stories and books about it.

True love is a dream for many.

Yet… so many people struggle to find their true love life partner. So many people have pain, anger, fear, worry, power and control issues, sadness, broken hearts, and more in their love partner relationships.

Divorce is rampant in many countries around the world. There are more break ups that never make it even to marriage.

So why are there so many issues around finding a beautiful and loving life partner?

Many people are confused and cannot see the truth about how True Love Relationships are attracted, created, maintained, uplifted, and grown.

In this event series, join David Lusch and Laure Le Corroller to:

  • Discover how the universal laws and principles govern True Love relationships
  • Understand the various kinds of blockages in your vibrational field that prevent you from finding and living happier with a True Love Life Partner
  • Look deep within your soul, heart, mind, energy, and matter level and use Tao transformative techniques to transform and align yourself
  • Remove negative views, mindsets, attitudes, beliefs, judgements, and more on True Love and finding your life partner
  • Open your heart to true love
  • Become clearer on your values and what you want and don’t want in a True Love Relationship
  • Empower yourself spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically to vibrate in the most powerful way to attract a True Love Relationship into your life
  • Go into action – find the right dates and move along to True Love
  • Receive a True Love Tao Light Treasure to remove some spiritual blockages and empower you to bring in the Tao love, light, and most positive information to find true love (included in the event)
  • Have opportunities for even more powerful Tao blessings to remove blockages and find that True Love Life Partner sooner than later

Learn from two Leading Teachers of Master Sha – both who are living in beautiful and loving True Love Relationships. They will teach you some of what they learned along the way and unlock some of the secrets that helped them to align and find their True Love life partners.

This True Love series will be fun, joyful, serious, deep, heart-touching and moving, heart and mind opening, and spiritually empowering to transform you – to help you – achieve one of your dreams – living life with a beautiful and loving True Love Life Partner!


REGISTER NOW ➡  https://tidd.ly/3u2ZVUv 


Event 4: Open Spiritual Channels

Open Spiritual Channels, February 24-25, 2024

with Francisco Quintero and Marilyn Smith

Saturday & Sunday, February 24th & 25th @ 10am-6pm ET


Early Bird: CAD $105 until February 9 (will be applied automatically during checkout)

Open your spiritual channels and transform your life!

The Open Spiritual Channels course expands and opens the possibilities of your communication abilities. You will learn sacred soul communication wisdom, knowledge, and practices of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha on how to open and develop two of the major spiritual channels: Soul Language and Third Eye.

Communication is the foundation of the way we relate with others. Soul communication revolutionizes the way we experience communication. Communication with your soul is part of developing a deep connection with yourself. Soul communication with your spiritual team in the Soul World develops sacred relationships with benefits for every part of your life. Opening the Third Eye allows you to see the images of the Soul World.

The benefits of opening your spiritual channels are beyond comprehension for transforming your health, relationships, finance, business, intelligence, and spiritual journey.

In this intermediate course, you will discover:

  • How to speak Soul Language, translate Soul Language, and communicate with the Soul World
  • How to do soul communication and receive spiritual messages directly from your soul and your spiritual team
  • Methods to open and develop your Third Eye spiritual vision abilities

Take this opportunity to go deeper into:

  • Understanding what soul communication is
  • Why soul communication benefits your life
  • How to open your soul communication abilities
  • Experiencing the beauty and joy of soul communication
  • Taking your spiritual channels to a higher level

Discover the potential of what soul communication can be for you. Experience the amazing benefits of soul communication to empower your daily life and your spiritual journey!

Note: This course is to develop your personal abilities. It is a prerequisite for the Tao Soul Communicator Certification Training Program where you can increase your accuracy and depth to a very high level and become a professional Soul Communicator to offer life guidance soul readings to others.


REGISTER NOW: https://tidd.ly/3HykgUK


Experience a transformative journey of healing and empowerment with Master Sha's February events, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing for a harmonious and rejuvenating start to the year.

For more services, visit https://www.punawai.life/dr-master-sha 


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